If you remember a few years ago, a pandemic started and lockdowns were initiated. Some of us were at the lowest of our lives, some lost their jobs, family members, and even their own lives. Doctors, nurses, and front-liners were brave enough to face the outside world and help other people to prevent dying. But thankfully, we have worked together as one to discover and develop a vaccine against this virus. I believe together we can stop this pandemic, and we can live normally again.
As a kid, being bullied is one of the worst things that can happen. Bullying can bring your confidence down, make you lose interest in yourself and possibly even in life. Bullying doesn't only apply to kids, it happens to each and one of us and we need to prevent and stop it. We should never bring anyone down or say bad things about them because everyone is different in their own way. Let us support and be kind to everyone because you never know what they are going through!