
the motion of an object can may or not have a reference ​

Sagot :


To decide if you are moving, you can use your chair as a reference point. ... An object is in motion if it changes position relative to a reference point. Objects that are fixed relative to Earth – such as a building, a tree, or a sign - make good reference points.


What is wrong is that that you are not using the spaceship as a frame of reference.

Inthis example, the spaceship is stationary according to sombody on it. The two miniships travel at the same speed in opposite directions for the same time and cover the same distance, according to you the observer on the spaceship.

Other people may think speeds/times/ distatnces covered are different. But from your position you measure all speeds and distances relative to you, and the two miniships will give identical results and so not give any indication that you are moving.

This is the wrong bit “the other minispaceship, B, would have travelled in a direction opposite to the large spaceship so it would have effectively “slowed down” “

The ‘slowed down’ is as viewed from somewhere else (not from your frame of reference) or from your perception of there being absolute distances/times/speeds.


When we consider what the space station observes observes, I think you are making the mistake of mixing up who experiences time dilation and who experiences length contraction.

From the point of view of the spacestaion, the spaceship is moving away. The people on the spaceship think their time is normal but the people on the spacestaion think the sapceships time is running slow.The people on the spaceship looking ahead to their destination experience length contarction- they dont think their destination is as far away from them as the people on the spaceship think it is. Everybody agrees about the speed of the spaceship relative to the space station.

So this agreement can be reached because people on the spaceship think the journey toi the destination did not take them long because their time had slowed down. The people on the spaceship thought their time was normal but they did not think they had as far to travel

Speed= distance /time

= normal distance/ reduced time (according to space station observers) or

= reduced distance/ normal time ( according to the spaceship observers.)

both give the same value