
Activity 2: write 1 statement of fact and one statement of opinion about the topics written on the first column. (10pnts) TOPICS FACTS OPINION 1. Dr. Jose P. Rizal 2. Sampaguita Flower 3. Mango Fruit 4. Your School 5. Your Friend​

Sagot :



- They are the succulent, aromatic fruits of an evergreen tree (Mangifera indica), a member of the cashew family (Anacardiaceae) of flowering plants. Botanically, mango is a drupe, consisting of an outer skin, a fleshy edible portion, and a central stone enclosing a single seed – also called stone fruit, like a plum, cherry, or peach

-1. Mangoes may help whittle your middle.

They may seem more like a decadent dessert than a healthy fruit, but mangoes are diet-friendly. Because they’re naturally sweet, eating them can help quash your cravings for candy or other sugary foods. A one-cup serving of fresh mango has 100 calories, and because that same serving has three grams of filling fiber, you’ll feel fuller on fewer calories. In fact, mangoes are 83% water by weight, and research from Penn State University has shown that eating foods that have a high water content (and lower energy density) help to keep you fuller while eating less. In fact, one of their studies found that eating a piece of fruit before a meal reduced the calories consumed at that meal by 15 percent.
