
1. Mister Mario receives a life threat with his neighbours. Mr. Mario decided to go for a
Guidance counsellor to have an advice minimizing the development of depression and anxiety. Is
Mr. Mario's decision is right?
a. Yes, for Mr. Mario develops depression
b. Yes, for he needs proper counselling about death threat
c. No, for he must go to the Police Station first for blotter
d. No, for it is not covered in the Guidance counselling
2. Claire a student of SHS, suffers an early pregnancy she wants to keep her situation to avoid
conflicts with her parents preventing her to go to school. She decided to go to in a Guidance
Counsellor to receive advice and a proper counsel about early pregnancy. Occasionally, the
counsellor shares her situation to his office mate. Is the Counsellor violates the principles?
a. Yes, for the clients must have confidential status regarding on her case.
b. No, his officemate must know the situation in every problem of the student either physical or
c. Yes, but it his right to share the problem of client to his officemate.
d. No, it's up to the person who listen to the case.