
Identify the point of view in each passage.

1. Sylvia looked around. Where are we?" she asked. "Just off the trail", I replied. "See?" "Marco, there's no trail over there". Sylvia said. My heart sank. She was right.

Point of View:

2. Chad tightened his grip on the rope. He could feel his fingers weakening. "Come on, Chad! Pull! We're losing ground!" shouted his teammate George. Chad gazed at the mud puddle toward which he and George were being dragged. Then he looked up at his opponents. They were screaming something, but Chad couldn't quite hear it. The muscles in his arms and shoulders were tightening. "It's now or never!" George shouted. Chad dug his heels in the dirt and pulled with all his strength.

Point of View:

3.The sound of traffic filled the street.I pressed the doorbell again.I wonder if the bitton worked.could the peeson hear the buzzer over the ttaffic noises?Where they even home? Idecided that it didn't matter.I checked the address of my list ang proceed to the next house.Somebody was going to order cookies from me today.Somebody

Point of View:

4.Grilling chicken is easy.First,give yourself plenty of time.If the temperature rises much past 350 degrees,you may burn your chicken. So keep the temparature low,and give yourself plenty of time to cook the chicken.Set your burners on low an leave the the chicken on the top rack.Flip your chicken every 15 to 20 minutes.During the final twenty minutes of cooking,brush some barbeque sauce on yoir chicken.Now prepare to eat a deliciouse meal!

Point of View:

5.Victor looked at the moth.He coudn't believe that such a strange creature had landed right outside his door.

Point of View:



Sagot :


The Four Types of Point of View

-First person point of view. First person perspective is when “I” am telling the story. ...

-Second person point of view. ...

-Third person point of view, limited. ...

-Third person point of view, omniscient.