
id, or Gas
er the following is solid, liquid or gas based on the characteristics ge
ite solid, liquid, or gas on the space provided before each number.
1. It has high density.
2. It can be compressed but only to a negligible extent by mode
3. It has no definite volume, depends on the volume of the con
4. It has no definite shape.
5. It has definite shape.
6. It has low density.
7. It greatly expands during heating.
8. It has medium density
9. Its compression depends on highness or lowness of the pi
10. It can't be compressed by moderate pressure​

Sagot :


1. solid

2. gas

3. liquid

4. gas

5. solid

6. gas

7. gas

8. liquid

9. liquid

10. solid


hope this helps, God bless and keep safe