Sagot :
To treat sweaty or smelly feet yourself, try to:
-wash your feet with antibacterial soap once a day (a pharmacist can advise you about different products)
-dry your feet well after they have been wet, especially between your toes
-try not to wear the same pair of shoes 2 days in a row so they have at least 24 hours to dry out
-change your socks (ideally wool or cotton, not nylon) at least once a day
-keep your toenails short and clean, and remove any hard skin with a foot file (it can become soggy when damp, which provides an ideal home for bacteria)
-If you often get sweaty feet, you might want to try:
-using a spray deodorant or antiperspirant on your feet – a normal underarm deodorant or antiperspirant works just as well as a specialist foot product and will cost you less
-putting medicated insoles, which have a deodorizing effect, in your shoes
-using a foot powder to absorb sweat (a pharmacist can advise you about foot powders)
-trying socks for sweaty feet – some sports socks are designed to keep feet dry, and you can get special antibacterial socks
-wearing leather or canvas shoes, as they let your feet breathe, unlike plastic ones
-always wearing socks with closed-toe shoes