LUCADELACRUZ081IN LUCADELACRUZ081IN Technology and Home Economics Answered 2Competency: Produces simple productsA. Directions: Write A if yu agree with the statement and DA if not. Write your answer on the blank before the number.______ 1. It is easier to work on something of your interest.______ 2. You can make a simple product and earn from it.______ 3. Cost down your product but maintain the quality.______ 4. Producing a product does not require skill and passion.______ 5. When you produce a product, it is important to do some research and investigation.B. Directions: Read and understand the statement carefully. Write True if you think the statement is correct and False if the statement is not correct.________ 1. Know the preferences of your buyer.________ 2. The way a product is presented affects its saleability or profitability.________ 3. Conducting a survey gives you an idea on what product is in demand.________ 4. Availability of items or ingredients for your product is not necessary.________ 5. Observe safety practices in production.