
1. It is an element of art which is flat enclosed area that has two dimensions, length and width
A. Line B. Shape
C. Color
D. Contrast
2. What principles of art used to make certain parts of an artwork stand out?
A. Emphasis
B. Balance
C. Unity
D. Harmony
3. A distribution of visual weight on either side of the vertical axis is called
A. emphasis
B. balance
C. unity
D. harmony
4. Each word, font, color, shape or image in great logos, like symbols, conveys a message,
information or
about that which it represents.
A. embody ideas B. services C. qualifications D. organizations
5. Before creating a comic strip, identify the
A. color
B. character
in the one-page comic.
C. line D. shape
6. Which of the following statement is FALSE in making a logo design great?
A. It should consider the different elements of art.
B. It should consider the different principles of art.
C. It should consider symbols, colors, words or texts, shapes, symmetry, balance, fonts,
proportions or size, and uniqueness.
D. All of the above.
7. It is an important field of graphic art that aims to communicate a message to its viewers.
A. Logo designB. Graphic design C. Caricature D. Vectors
8. The type of drawing skills which exaggerates certain things about people such as politicians
or movie stars.
A. Editorial cartoon B. Caricature C. Comic strip D. Strip cartoon
9. The type of drawing skills which is one-panel or stand-alone comics in which the main intent
is to present an opinion on politics and social issues.
A. Editorial cartoon B. Caricature C. Comic strip D. Strip cartoon
10. What is the first step you should consider in caricature making?
A. Choose certain features about a person,
B. Think of the social issues arises today.
C. Choose a politician and draw situations about them.
D. Be a good story teller.
11. What is the last step you should consider in caricature making?
A. Choose certain features about a person.
8. Ask if the finished picture makes you laugh.
C. Think of the social issues arises today,
D. Be a good story teller.​