ANGELMANALOTO50IN ANGELMANALOTO50IN Science Answered 26. When a sperm cell unites with an egg cell to form a zygote, which process is taking place? a. pollination. c. asexual reproduction b. fertilization d. vegetative propagation27. In sexual reproduction, what is the source of the genetic material in a zygote? a. an egg cell only c. a pollen and a sperm cell b. a sperm cell only d. an egg cell and a sperm cell28. The type of fertilization that takes place outside the female body is a. external fertilization c. internal fertilization b. cross pollination d. self pollination29. Which is NOT a characteristic of sexual reproduction? a. Gametes from two parents unite to form a zygote. b. Offspring are genetically identical with the parent c. Offspring are different from their parents and sibling. d. Genetic variability of offspring help to ensure survival in changing environmental conditions.30. The process that is NOT related to asexual reproduction is a. budding b. binary fission c. fragmentation d. pollination31. Which of the following best describes an offspring produced through asexual reproduction? a. It is identical with the parent c. It is a product of fertilization b. It is dissimilar from his or her parents d. It comes from gametes32. What mode of reproduction is involved in the given picture below?a. binary fission b. budding c. fragmentation d. spore formation33. Which of the following is NOT an example of artificial vegetative propagation? a. tissue culture b. stem cutting c. grafting d. parthenogenesis34. All of the following are agent of pollination EXCEPT a. insect b. frog c. water d. wind35. The transfer of pollen from the anther to the stigma of the same flower is called a. external fertilization c. internal fertilization b. cross pollination d. self pollinationScience po