1. sieving
- Because flour and stones are both solids and differ and size, they can be using a sieve.
2. distillation
- Distillation is the process of removing a substance from a liquid.
3. evaporation
- To get the sugar, Lesther can boil the sugar-water solution so that the water can evaporate and leave sugar crystals behind.
4. magnetic sep*ration/magnetism
- To sep*rate the metals (iron nails and thumbtacks) from the non-metals (sand and wood), we can use the magnetic method.
5. (when washing the rice) sedimentation; (when pouring the dirty water out) decantation
- The rice would settle at the bottom of the rice cooker (called sedimentation) and the dirt from it will mix with the water.
- Decantation is utilized in pouring the dirty water out.
Sep*rating Mixtures
- Mixtures are sep*rated usually for the purpose of identifying their components.
- But, sep*raton also helps us in other ways, like getting drinkable water, using sand in construction, etc.
⚘ additional link(s) !
Sep*ration Processes -
More about Sieving -
More about Distillation -
More about Evaporation -
More about Magnetic Sep*ration -
More about Decantation -