
what have you learned in mathematics in modern world, explain your answer?​

Sagot :


I learned that mathematics has a whole range of applications in the real world. Here are the examples:


· In the field of operations research (OR), we learn to maximize functions subject to functional constraints. Businesses use OR methods to maximize profit with constraints of the costs to run the business. The military uses these methods to maximize strength subject to manpower limitations.

· Statistics – This field has innumerable applications. Deriving election conclusions from, say, a sample population of eligible voters is one of zillions of examples. Performing scientific research using hypothesis testing methods is another example.

· Numerical analysis – This field is used for estimating functional values with basic arithmetic functions. This is used heavily in computer calculations.

· Differential Geometry – This field is applicable in GPS. The Patriot system predicts the motion of an incoming missile to block the attack.

· Queueing theory – This field studies waiting in lines. It is used for maximizing efficiency in bus stops, incoming telephone calls, and other applications.

There is virtually no end to the applicability of mathematics in the modern world.

All the above does not take away from the intellectual stimulation of theoretical mathematics. Number theory, group/ring/field theory and other subjects provide the enjoyment of learning mathematics for its own sake.