
divide the following and check . write your answer in your note book
1) 0.09
[tex] 0.09\sqrt{0.81} [/tex]
[tex]2) 0.03\sqrt{0.72} [/tex]

Sagot :


Article 3: In 1912, Alfred Wegener (pronounced as vey-guh-nuhr), a German meteorologist, proposed a theory that about 200 million years ago, the continents were once one large landmass. He called this landmass Pangaea, a Greek word which means "All Earth." This Pangaea started to break into two smaller supercontinent called Laurasia and Gondwanaland during the Jurassic Period. These smaller supercontinents broke into the continents and these continents separated and drifted apart since then. Wegener searched for evidences to support his claim. He noticed the fit of the edges of the continents on the opposite sides of the South Atlantic. His evidence to the Continental Drift Theory includes the distribution of fossils in different continents, rock features, and ancient climates. Technology (192-1950)- the SONAR (Sound Navigation and Ranging) system is a device that bounces sound waves off underwater objects and then records the echoes of these sound waves. It allowed scientist to map the mid-ocean ridges. In the 1950s scientists used magnetometers to detect magnetic variations on the ocean floor. Age acting rocks helped prove that mid-ocean ridges create new sea floor. Arthur Holmes (1929) was a British geologist. He suggested that thermal convection currents in the mantle were the force moving the continents. Ship Atlantis (1931-1966)- Atlantis was the first ship built specifically for marine biology, geology, and oceanographic. The first Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHO) research ship. The ship began working in 1931 and retired in 1966. Hugo Benioff (1935) is an American seismologist. He is famous for his work on deep focus earthquakes and how they are associated with subduction zones. He was the first to propose that subduction zones cause deep focus earthquakes.

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