
Directions: Copy the tables below in your notebook or in a separate sheet of paper. Gather the needed information from the interview to supply answer/s to row 1 in the table below, after which, fill out the second row with your PECS. Characteristics/Traits Lifestyle Skills Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECS) Successful Entrepreneur in the province My PECS​

Sagot :

PECS ( Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies)

Successful Entrepreneur in the province

Characteristics / Traits

  1. Hard work: Building a growing business is not easy, especially in the provinces due to poor opportunity and target market. It necessitates a significant amount of effort and time. It is a popular adage in business that hard work equals opportunity.
  2. Self-Motivated: Only those who are motivated can complete the race and win in life. Individuals that wake up every morning with a goal in mind, a strategy in mind, and a positive mindset to face the day are successful.
  3. Disciplined: Enterprise can quickly consume the majority of your waking moments and your whole attention. How do corporate executives stay alive? They manage their time, schedule, and activities to do more in less time. Order and control are quasi, and nothing ought to be done to jeopardize them.

Lifestyle Skills

  1. Thought Leadership: A thought leader is someone who has a different point of view than the majority. Some leader influences their followers but fails to innovate, whereas a thinking leader does have something interesting to say.
  2. Basic Communication Skills: A lack of interaction can pose a significant risk to teams and organizations. As a leader, you should set a good example and work to create a culture that values proactive, open, and honest communication.


