
1 2 3 4 5 6 I. Use the words below to describe two properties of the following materials. Write your answers below each material. (8points) hard stiff III Read and uns Glass candy wrappers empty disinfectant bottle drained batteries match sticks SCIENCE Written Work No. 1 Quarter 1 Useful Materials soft rigid bendy cold light Wood heavy warm II. Classify the different materials found in the word pool below as useful or harmful. If it useful, give examples by which you can use it. If it is harmful, explain how can you dispose it properly. (12points) old newspaper old garter empty paint cans old light bulb 1 2 3 4 5 6 Stone smooth rough see through empty mayonnaise jar (glass) plastic bags piece of wood old gas tank Harmful materials​

Sagot :


If you will choose a province to live. where will it be?Why

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