16. It is any movement made by the muscles of the body that requires exertion of energy such as running swimming, and dancing. a. Physical exercise b. Physical activity c. Physical Education d. Physical ftress 17. A planned program of physical activities usually designed to improve physical fitness with the purpose of increasing physical fitness level. a. c. Fitness Exercise Activity 18. Is a condition that allows the body to effectively cope with the demands of daily activities and still has the energy to enjoy other active leisure activities. a. Physical exercise c. Physical Education d. Physical fitress b. Physical activity 19. It is the ability of the heart, lungs and blood vessels to supply orygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises a. Aerobic capacity b. Muscular endurance 20. It is the ability of the muscle to generate the greatest force. a. Aerobic capacity Muscular endurance 21. It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue when performing multiple repetitions of a submaximal icad, it is also refer to the period of time in which a muscle is able to hold a contraction. a. Aerobic capacity c. Muscular strength d. Flexibility a, b. c. Muscular strength d. Flexibility b. Muscular endurance 22. It is the ability to move a joint without pain over its entire range of motion. It is affected by the str muscles surrounding the joint. a. Aerobic capacity a, b. c. Muscular strength d. Flexibility C. d. b. Muscular endurance 23. It refers to the total make-up of the body using the concept of two component mode: lean body mass and body fat Body composition c. Muscular strength d. Flexibility Muscular endurance 24. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the importance on having an active lifestyle? Possibly delays the aging process Helps regulate blood pressure Helps maintain unhealthy body composition Improves muscle, bone and joint strength c. Flexibility d. Muscular strength of the joint and theβ