KRISHAMHAY10IN KRISHAMHAY10IN Filipino Answered A. 1 tree 2 wood 3 lumber 4. fice wood 5. rubber 6.turpentine 7.soil erohon 8.kind of soil 9.carbon dioxide 10.Oxygen B. A. Coneide red one of the factors in planting fruit bearing trees B. derived from the sap of some trees C. prodoct of refuned rubber and rieims D. an erect plant with a singel woode stem E. naturally present in the air given off during respiration and absorbed by plants and trees F. major production striree of fiber in the pulp of paper G. colorless gas pressent in the air given of by trees. H. processed wood used to construct houses I. Valuble prudoction of trees many people are using every day. J. gradual reduction of soil that is "prevent by root system of trees