
Directions: Put a check mark (✓) on the space provided if the statement is correct,
and X if its incorrect.
1. Any type of paper can be used in origami as long as it is even when cutting.
2. Color coordination is important to form a specific design.
3. Children can create their designs in origami.
4. A thin piece of paper is strong, but folding the paper will make it stronger.
5. A square cut of paper is the only cut that can be used in origami.
6. Organization of unit forms along a circular path without the constituent units
having the same point of origin.
7. Origami can also reflect fashion and lifestyle.
8. Old newspapers can used in origami.
9. In making an origami product, a learner develops workmanship in doing his
10. Applying elements of art in making origami is important.​