
Activity 2 DIRECTIONS: Fill in the blank with the correct word to complete the sentence. Choose your answer from the box. testimonial technique plain folks technique bandwagon Persuation goal offend persuasive essay advertisement propaganda argument
1. A sound argument of a position backed up with facts, details, examples and one additional element-appeal.
2. is the kind of writing that depends on the reader's reaction to what the writer says.
3. The of persuasive writing is to make the reader change from his viewpoint to the writer's viewpoint.
4-5 The writer must present his in a way that will not his reader.
6. A is the spreading of a belief, opinion or action considered wholesome by a particular group. It can also be the spreading of teachings and beliefs as an effort to give truth to an information that is partly or wholly untrue.
7. An is written or printed notice intended to make something known to the public, especially a printed and paid notice in a newspaper or other print media.
8. The appeals to a person's desire to belong to a group. It tries to make someone feel left out if he or she does not join everybody else who enjoys a product or believes in a certain idea.
9. The tries to convince you that the people in the advertisement are trustworthy and knowlegeable about the products they advertise. We are encouraged to use the product because it is what folks at home are using.
10. The tries to convince you that the person in the advertisement is someone you can believe. A product is endorsed or confirmed by a well-known personality to make it acceptable. By doing so, this person gives a testimony or endorsement for the product

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