FENGMI101IN FENGMI101IN Technology and Home Economics Answered TLE6. A component of a project plan whichreflect the number of a project.A. Project plan numberB. Name of ProjectC. DescriptionD. Objectives7. Refers to the selling price per quantity and unit of the materials.A. Tools and materialsB. ObjectivesC. Total CostD. Unit cost8. It states the purpose why a project should be done. This is usually stated in three learning domains: the cognitive, psychomotor and affective.A. Name of ProjectB. ObjectivesC. Time StartedD. Design specificationENGLISH1. Which of the following plural nouns is misspelled. A. massesB. Brothers-in-law C. donkiesD. wives2. What is the superlative form of the adverb skillfullyA. SkillfullestB. Most skillfullyC. More skillfully D. None of the above