II. Directions: Shade the circle of the correct degree of comparison of adjective to complete the sentence. 1) Ana is in singing than in dancing. interested more interested O most interested 2) The sloth bear is the animal in the world. O slow slower O slowest 3) Carlos is than my brother, Ramon. tall taller O the tallest 4) The elephant is_ than a lion. O heavy heavier than O the heaviest 5) My pet, Choco, is a dog. smart Osmarter Othe smartest 6) Filipino food. Thai food is O spicy Omore spicy than Othe most spicy This is the cartoon movie I have ever seen. Ofunnier than funny O the funniest Yesterday was my birthday, It was the O happy O happier than birthday I had with my family and friends. Othe happiest Fruits and vegetables are O healthy junk foods. O healthier than O the healthiest Ogreater than Othe greatest 7) 8) 9) 10) Love is the Ogreat gift of all.​