Let's Create Make a poster showing the different prevention of Soil Erosion. 5 4 3 2 Title can be read Title can be read and Title can be read but not Title is too small but and is describes describes Title quite content describes content creative. well. content well. well. The poster The poster is 15 The poster is attractive in terms of designs. layout and acceptably The poster is very attractive in terms of designs. layout and acceptably attractive in Creativity attractive though it may be a bit messy terms of designs, layout and neatness neatness neatness All of the Several of Some of The graphics the graphics is graphics made by used on the poster graphics used on the used on pupil but in Originality reflects the poster reflects creativity in creativity poster reflects creativity in the Idea of others: in their creation. their their creation. creation. 1 Title is too small and does not describes the content well The poster is distracting ly messy or poorly designed. NO graphic are made by the pupil.