
Learning task 2: match the column B. write only the letter on the space provided for.

1. Hop on L foot outside the poles (ct. 1), hop on R diagonally forward to the center of the poles

2. hop on R foot twice between bamboo pole (ct. 1,2) hop and place L foot outside R Cross bamboo poles

3. both feet between bamboo poles; jump twice between bamboo poles (ct. 1,2) jump with feet apart outside bamboo poles (ct.3)

4. step L foot in front (CT.1) , step R close to L in rear (CT.2) step L in front (CT.3) this may be executed in all directions

5. change step obliquely forward R (L) (CTS. 1 and 2) step L(R) across the R (L) in front (CT.3)

A. waltz step
B. kuradang step
C. feet apart
D. diagonal
E. cross step
F. kumintang ​