
6. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune belongs to gas giants. Which of the following statement is NOT true about them? A. Jupiter is the largest Jovian planet. B. Neptune is about the same size of Uranus. C. Saturn is a gas giant and have a solid surface. D. Uranus is a dim planet because of its blue-green color. 7. Which two terrestrial planets are of the same size? A. Earth and Venus C. Earth and Mercury B. Mars and Venus D. Mercury and Venus 8. Mercury is located 57.9 million km away from the sun while Earth is located 149.6 million km away from the sun. Which of the following can be the effect of their differences in distances? A. Mercury is bigger than the Earth. B. Mercury is cooler than the Earth. C. Mercury rotates faster that the Earth. D. Mercury revolves faster than the Earth. 9. How does the distance from the sun affect the length of a planet's path? A. The bigger the planet the faster to revolve. B. The smaller the planet the faster to revolve. C. The nearer the planet the slowest to revolve. D. The farther the planet, the slowest to revolve. 10. Each planet is recognized based on their distinct color. Which of the following is true about the colors of the planets? A. Their size determines their color. B. Their distance from the sun give them color. C. Their color depends on the number of moons. D. Their color is based on their surfaces or atmospheres which reflect and absorb sunlight​