
TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect. Write your answer on the space provided. __________1. Tapestry Needles have large eyes and very sharp points. __________2. Even Weave Fabric is any textile where the warp and weft threads are the same sizes. __________3. Proportion is the arrangement of line, form, color and texture with the purpose of achieving order and beauty. __________4. Balance may be cool, warm, bright or dull. __________5. Proportion means equal color, shape, sizes or unequal proportion. __________6. Emphasis is where the eye is caried first to the most important part of the design. __________7. Internal Recycling involves the use of materials that are waste products of a manufacturing process. __________8. Ecosystem and wildlife will be protected when we recycle. __________9. Recycling has great potential in making a profitable business. __________10. Tin cans are typically made from aluminum but has also trace amounts of other materials. __________11. Handicraft is defined as an activity that requires skills in making decorative articles made by hand. __________12. Design is the arrangement of line, form, color, texture, with the purpose of achieving order and beauty. __________13. Work with your mouth not with your hands.. __________14. Disassemble all needed materials. __________15. Ironing is the easiest way of transferring design onto the fabric.​