
1. The Earth on its axis. d. revolves b. relaxes c. rotates jumps 2. As the Earth rotates, the part of the Earth facing the Sun has a. daytime b. darkness c. nighttime d. nice weather 3. What causes day and night? a. the Sun rotates on its axis c. the Earth rotates on its axis b. the Sun revolves around the earth d. the Earth moves around the sun 4. How long does it take for the earth to complete one rotation? a. 365 days b. 24 days c. 3 days d. 1 day 5. The change in season is due to a. the rotation of the earth c. the tilt of the earth d. Climate Change b. the changes in global weather 6. The change in temperature during summer is due to a. The Earth being titled towards the sun receiving more direct sunlight. b. The Earth being tilted away from the sun distributing sunlight. The Sun being closer to the earth. C. d. The Earth being closer to the earth. 7. During winter, what change do you see during the daylight hours? less daylight hours a. c. no change in daylight hours more daylight hours d. daylight and nighttime are the same 8. b. Why is the equator the warmest? a. because it receives most direct sunlight- b. because it is farthest from the sun c. because it is closest to the sun d. because of the change in season 9. The Earth's axis is tilted by degrees. C. 23.5 a. 34.2 b. 25.3 d. 24 10. What happens when a part of the Earth is tilted away from the sun? b. winter a. summer c. autumn d. spring 11. How long does it take for the earth to complete one revolution? b. 24 hours c. 1 day a. 12 months d. 1 decade 12. What happens when part of the earth is tilted towards the sun? b. darkness c. winter a. summer d. nighttime 13. What direction does Earth rotate? b. north to south c. west to east a. east to west Summer has 14. 1 daylight and 5. Winter has daylight and d. south to earth nighttime. nighttime