MJOLEVORIN MJOLEVORIN Science Answered Directions: Read the instructions and all the items in each test type carefully. Use black or blue pen ink only. Avoid any form of erasure, alteration and superimposition on the final answer.I.TRUE OR FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise, write FALSE on the space provided. (15 x 1 point)1.Genetic variation is the study of genes in population.2.The theory of blending inheritance states that offspring is expected to be phenotypically intermediate relative to their parents.3.Inbreeding is the permanent change in a cell’s DNA.4.Gene flow is the movement of alleles from one population to another.5.Genetic drift happens in small populations, where frequencies of alleles change drastically because of manipulation.6.In relative dating, rocks are dated by measuring the degree of decay of certain radioisotopes contained in it.7Hyracotherium, the earliest known member of the horse family, is small, with short legs and broad feet.8.Charles Darwin observed that the finches’ beaks had changed during their descent as a defense mechanism for different predators from different islands in the Galapagos.9.Genetic variation provides the raw material for natural selection.10.The whale’s skull is a vestigial structure.11.Anthropoids are nocturnal, have grasping digits, and binocular vision.12.Ramapithecus is an 8 million-year old jaw with teeth found in India indicating its relatedness to apes.13.Australopithecus boisei was nicknamed the “Nut-cracker man”.14.The Autralopithecus walked upright and had a small brain15.The Peking man and Java man were both considered Homo habilis​