
Read and analyze the text below.
Write a short response about it using the different parts of a reaction paper.

Online garning is one of the major trends today. An individual can play as long as there is an available internet connection. One can get in touch with friends and also gets an opportunity to compete with people they previously did not know but have met online. With virtual gaming, one has access to any garnes and there is no need to rent games at cyber Through this, it is very possible to develop talent and also compete a lot with other players. Online gaming is awesome because one has a vanety games to select from One can also earn money from this experience after winning a battle. Online gaming can be very enjoyable for many but may also have negative repercussions and consequences.
Online gaming can be an experience that has more harmful effects than good. It may cause addiction and time meant for other activities like school works and household chores will only be consumed in playing Online harassment may also occur especially with children who get involved in virtual gaming and if done without the supervision of an adult this may lead to online abuse. Children may also download applications from sites that may infect computers with a virus
Source:https://www.seeconference 2013.net/advantages-disadvantages-of online-gaming-essay-sampie/

I. Introduction
II. Body
III. Conclusion
IV. References​