
What's In In the parable, it is hard to imagine that a Samaritan would help a Jew since he is considered by the Jewish society as an outcast. But what happened was the other way around - he helped the Jew despite of their differences and the unfair treatment to him. This story clearly explains how man can go beyond cultural considerations and how one can overcome grudges to performing an ethical act towards a needy person. It may be considered as unusual phenomenon in the present social realm but the story tells us it is never impossible. Like the Good Samaritan, you may have encounter strangers who need help. If there is/are any incident/s you helped somebody unknown to you, please narrate your experience/s below. Tell how you overcame your fear of strangers and what made you decide to help the person/s. But if you don't have any experience, tell us what you would do if you encounter one and why would you help them. MY GOOD SAMARITAN EXPERIENCE​

Sagot :


the only way to lattan have used it for a while now and then I'll be back in ak met her and she said yes to the caption