
(1)_____________, the process by which green plants and certain other organisms transform light energy into chemical energy. During photosynthesis in green plants, light energy is captured and used to convert water, carbon dioxide, and minerals into oxygen and energy rich organic compounds.

When plants photosynthesize, they use carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Oxygen is produced by plants photosynthesis is used by animals when they respire; animals in turn produce carbon dioxide. Like animals, plants also carry out the process of (2)_______ . During respiration, plants use (3)________(4)_______ (5). ________.

(6) _________it is the only substance that has a tendency to exist in all three forms of matter: solid, liquid, and gas it is stored on Earth's surface in lakes, rivers, and oceans, found underground, filling the spaces between soil particles and cracks in rocks. Large amounts of water are stored in glaciers and polar ice sheets. Water is also part of the bodies of living things. But water is not just stored, it is constantly moving. The movement of water through the environment is called the Water cycle. Water is made up of just two elements: oxygen and hydrogen. The following are the five (5) processes which makes up the Hydrologic or water Cycle (7)____ (8)______ (9)_____

About 78 percent of the gases in the atmosphere is made up of nitrogen gas Itcannot be absorbed by living things on its own for use, and we breathe it in and backout again. But nitrogen another element in combination with other elements is vital to life. Almost four-fifths of the air you breathe is clear, colorless nitrogen gas. Yet, you cannot get the nitrogen you need to live in the air. All animals must get nitrogen from plants. Plants cannot use pure nitrogen gas either. However, plants can absorb certain compounds of nitrogen. Plants take in these nitrogen compounds through their roots, along with water and other nutrients. Organisms use nitrogen to build proteins and nucleic acids. Some bacteria convert nitrogen to ammonia. This process is called nitrogen fixation. There are 4 stages in nitrogen cycle (12)._______ (13)________ (14)_______ (15)_______​