
Jermel was going to watch for the first time a musical play Beauty and the Beast at tural Center of the Philippines (CCP) the theater. The problem was not Jermel didn't much about the presentation. So, to solve his dilemma, he took some action. First, nt to the library and read about musical plays. Then, he borrowed book in which he read about "Beauty and the Beast." Little did he know that his best friend's aunt was ge performer. So, he met her to personally ask about the play. After accomplishing all ese, he confidently watched the play with his friends and was very appreciative of the rtunity. What problem presented?-Jermel didn't know much about the presentation. What are the solutions presented? - First, he went to the library and read about musical plays. He borrowed book in which he could read about "Beauty and the Beast." And personally ask his best friend's aunt about the play. What are the signal words? -So, and then CTIVITY: READ AND LEARN Direction: Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow The quails had a problem. They lived in great and fear of a quail-catcher who would throw a net over them, then stuff them into the basket. One day, the wisest of the quails said, "Listen, Brothers, I have a plan. When the quail-catcher throws his net over us, let us put our heads through the mesh in the net. Then, let's lift up the net together and fly away with it. When we have flown some distance away, let's drop the net on a thom bush and escape from under it. All agreed and so when the quail-catcher came the next day, the quails did as the wise quail had told them to do. The quail-catcher had a hard time taking the net from the thorn bush. 1. What problem does the writer present? 2. What solutions are offered? 3. What are the signal words used to indicate the problem and solutions?