CRUZBENITO251IN CRUZBENITO251IN Science Answered Precautionary Measures Before a Typhoon, During a Typhoon, After a TyphoonBefore a Typhoon1 Prepare enough food that will last for 3 days2 Listen to radio or tv for updates on the coming typhoon3 Prepare flashlights and extra batteries in case of power interruption4 Prepare an emergency kit5 Check your electric posts to prevent accidents.6 Cut all branches of trees around your house that could possibly fall on your house.7 Pack a bag with clothes, batteries, flashlight, water, canned goods and other necessities, in case you have to evacuate.During a Typhoon1 Stay calm and be alert.2 Stay indoors. Cancel any plans of travels.3 Monitor the weather reports. Check what is happening around you.4 When local authorities advise you to evacuate, do so.5 Be ready to evacuate if necessary.After a Typhoon1 Clean your house from any typhoon debris.2 Check for any damages brought by typhoon. Repair if necessary.3 Boil your drinking water before drinking for your safety.4 Stay away from broken posts.Task to do!The learners are tasked to make a jingle on the precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon. An example of jingle is to the tune of Baby Shark, Ulan, Bahay Kubo etc. Show it to your class live during online class for offline class just write in a piece of paper and submit in the messenger. pa help po