
ntify Write TD for technical definition and OD for operational definition. is defined through technical or operational definition. 1. NEGATIVE a. Is a characteristic of a bad, unwelcome or unpleasant quantity, characteristics or spect of a situation or person. b. Is an integer which is less than zero that is used in mathematical equation. 2. SPRINGBOARD a. Is a strong, flexible board from which someone can jump in order to gain added impetus when performing a dive or a gymnastic movement. b. Is an activity presented before a proper event or program starts to entertain the audience 3. PORT a. Is a town or city with a harbor where ships load or unload. b. Is a part of a modem or any internet related device that is used to establish internet connection. 4. ACCESSORY a. Is a small object or item of clothing carried or worn to complement a garment or outfit. b. Is a person who participates knowingly and voluntarily in the commission of a crime. 5. CALIBER a. Is a measurement of the diameter of the bullet or the gun barrel bore. b. Is the quality of someone's character or the level of his or her ability.​