
1. A 2015 Broadway musical depicting the life of Alexander Hamilton, one of the founding fathers of the United States 2. The Diary of Anne Frank 3. Audio recording of an interview with Lola Rosa Henson, the first Filipina comfort woman who spoke of her life during World War 2 4. Gregorio Zaide's book on Life, Works and Writings of Jose Finl 5. The Parisian Life, an 1892 painting by Juan Luna 6. A newspaper article on Beirut explosion 7. An Afro-Asian Literature book for Orade learners 8. A YouTube video describing how the pyramids were built 9. Autobiography of Shinas Abe, Japan's longest serving Prime Minister 10.

1 A 2015 Broadway Musical Depicting The Life Of Alexander Hamilton One Of The Founding Fathers Of The United States 2 The Diary Of Anne Frank 3 Audio Recording class=