
What are the similarities between conduction, convection, and radiation?

Sagot :


  • Conduction -
  • • Energy transferred by direct contact
  • • Energy transferred by direct contact• Energy flows directly from warmer object to cooler object
  • • Can occur within one object
  • • Continues until object. temperatures are equal

  • Convection -
  • Occurs in gases and liquids
  • Occurs in gases and liquids• Movement of large number of particles in same direction
  • Occurs in gases and liquids• Movement of large number of particles in same direction• Occurs due to difference in density
  • Occurs in gases and liquids• Movement of large number of particles in same direction• Occurs due to difference in densityCycle occurs while temperature differences exist

  • Radiation -
  • • Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves such as light, microwaves, and infrared radiation
  • • Energy transferred by electromagnetic waves such as light, microwaves, and infrared radiation• All objects radiate energy
  • •Can transfer energy through empty space