1. He has eleven (11) children and the one who gave a colorful robe to his son.
2. He is the eldest of the 11 children of your answer in number 1.
3. He is the favorite child and whose brothers are jealous of him. This is the reason
why he served as a slave in Egypt.
4. His wife is the reason why your answer in number 3 was sent to jail for some
5. He is the mother of Baratha who wished to the King to make her son the king of
the kingdom.
6. He is the king of Ayodha and defined as mighty and wise. He also has 4 sons.
7. He is the eldest of the princes of Ayodha and his father’s favorite.
8. He is deeply devoted with his brother Rama. He was like Rama’s second-self.
9. She is the devoted wife of the prince of Ayodha that was sent to the forest
to defeat evil spirits.
10. He was captivated by the beauty of your answer in number 9. This is the reason
why he abducted her.
11. He is the pharaoh of Egypt who fell in love with a slave.
12. She is the slave girl who had very beautiful red slippers.
13. He/She is the god who was reborn to be the main character in Ramayana.
14. This is where your answer in number 12 was born.
15. He is the son of the wind-god and was accompanied by a host of monkeys under
the leadership of Angada. He helped in finding his friend’s wife when she was abducted.
16. He is a Poet Laureate in Thailand and is also known as Shakespeare of Thailand.
17. He retold the Malay story How the Dayak’s Learned to Plant Rice.
18. He is the author of The Casualty and was a literary editor of the UP Colegian in
the late 40’s.
19. It is said to be the root of the evils in the world according to On the Three Evils
by U Nu. 20. It is absent and unknown before the Padaythabin tree was abused by people.
A. Dasharatha B. Rama C. Baratha D. Ravana E. Sita F. Kaikeyi
G. Joseph H. Jacob I.
Lakshmana J. Potiphar K. Kausalya L. Ayodha
M. Vishnu N. Greece O.
Rhodopsis P. Amasis Q. Reuben R. Hanuman S. Leon Comber T.Profit Motive U. Godofredo Burce Bunao