

- Jesus instituted the Eucharist.

- Jesus asked the temple guards twice who they wanted and twice He identified Himself to them.

- It was an acted-out parable of humility and loving service.

- Upon Pilate’s orders, the Latin inscription INRI was posted above Jesus’ head.

- “This is my body which is offered to you… Do this in Memory of Me.”

- It validates all that Jesus is and all that He had done.

- Jesus told His disciples that He would be tortured and killed.

- Jesus cried a cry of victory.

- The soldiers wanted to break Jesus’ legs to quicken His death.

- Jesus was examined three times only to be condemned in the end.

- “Father, if it is Your will, take this cup from me; yet not My will but yours be done.”

- “What I just did was to give you an example.”

- Judas’ kiss pointed Jesus to the temple guards.

- Jesus prayed with all intensity and His sweat became like drops of blood falling on the ground.

- The women went to anoint Jesus’ body in the Tomb.


a. washing of the feet
b. agony in the garden
c. betrayal and arrest
d. ascension
e. trial of jesus
f. resurrection
g. predictions of the passion
h. crucifixion
i. last supper
j. washing of the feet
k. crowning with thorns