
Direction: Enumerate the 6 Staff Bureaus and explain their different functions

Sagot :

What is a staff Bureaus?

A Staff Bureau primarily performs policy, program development, and advisory functions." Service. A Service is a staff unit whoso funclious and primarily superlive olio injor servicio objectives of a Department.

What are the 6 Staff Bureaus?

  • Environmental Management Bureau
  • Mines and Geosciences Bureau
  • Forest Management Bureau
  • Biodiversity Management Bureau
  • Land Management Bureau
  • Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau

What are this Bureaus and what are their functions?

 Environmental Management Bureau (EMB) is the national authority in the Philippines that sets air and water quality standards and monitors ambient and point source pollutants.


  • The Environmental Management Bureau formulates plans, programs, and appropriate environmental quality standards for the prevention and control of pollution and the protection of the environment, and ensures their implementation.

 The Mines and Geo-sciences Bureau is a government agency of the Philippines under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.


  • The Mines and Geosciences Bureau (MGB) is responsible for the administration and disposition of mineral lands and mineral resources and the conduct of geological, mining, metallurgical, chemical and other researches, as well as geological and mineral exploration surveys.

 Forest Management Bureau is the process of planning and implementing practices for the stewardship and use of forests to meet specific environmental, economic, social and cultural objectives.


  • The Forest Management Bureau of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources provides support for the effective protection, development, occupancy management, and conservation of forest lands and watersheds.

 The Biodiversity Management Bureau (BMB) through the Biodiversity Policy and Knowledge Management Division conducted a training on ArcGIS Survey 123 participated by technical staff from the different divisions and focal persons of the Bureau’s Client Satisfaction Survey.


  • The Biodiversity Management Bureau promulgate and implement rules and regulations governing the exploration, development, extraction, disposition, and use of the forests, lands, minerals, wildlife, and other natural resources.

The Philippines' Land Management Bureau, is an agency of the Philippine government under the Department of Environment and Natural Resources responsible for administering, surveying, managing, and disposing Alienable and Disposable (A&D) lands and other government lands not placed under the jurisdiction of other government agencies.


  • The Philippines' Land Management Bureau formulates policies for the efficient and effective administration and management of alienable and disposable public lands and ensure compliance. Develop land and survey standards and guidelines and ensure its compliance.

 The Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB) is the principal research and development (R & D) unit of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).


  • The Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau to provide appropriate technology and information through research, development and extension towards the enhanced productivity and sustainability of natural resources and protection of the environment for the improvement of quality of life of the Filipinos.