your iden The Tute of the white squash Med There ance lived a couple who has a washe plant that gave them food every day. Despite being chades, both were hapray for they meed nothing much a boiled was to dinner One day, they discovered that they had eaten their last suash. They waited patiently but no sew frost came. Not a long aner, a white squash appeared. They were astonished for a the first white rush they had ever seen. The couple could hardly wait for the fruit to ripen and soon as it was big enough, the husband commanded the wife to pick the fruit and cook for they havent caten sepuash for a long time. As the wife was about to open the fruit, she heard a volce from it. The wife told the husband and he replied, "Don't be fool, at your age, you ouchy to know that no quanh can taller" "Open the pash but please don't hurt me," said the voice. Upon hearing this, the man himself took the knife and carefully cut the fruit open. Anda beautiful baby stood up and smiled. Aner recovering from their surprise, the wife proceeded to fetch water from the well. She spread a mat on the floor and laid the baby on it. She started to bathe the baby bat to her surprise, the water splashed on the baby's body rolled down to the mat as shining pieces of Rold. The woman continued bathing the baby until all the water had turned into gold. Soon, they had so much money that they did not know how to spend it. They finally decided to build a palace and planned how many servants they should employ. The wife and husband thought for a while and wanted more money to buy a wide land for their palace. So, the woman fetched more water from the well, bathed the baby and again, the water that touched the baby's body turned into gold. They counted their money and it was more than enough to buy all the land in the village. But the wife thought that one palace isn't enough and she decided to get more money to build two palaces. The husband agreed, so the woman went to the well again and when she about to bathe the baby a third time, the baby stood up and said: "I am very sorry that you could not be satisfied with your fortune. First, you obtained enough money to build a palace. Then, you got enough money to by all the land in the village. But with all that, you were not contented. Even if I had given you a room full of gold, you would still ask for more. Because you are so greedy, I shall leave you and the gold shall go with me." The baby and the room of gold vanished, and the couple were left as poor and as childless as they had always been. Plot Mountain Climax Rising Action Falling Action Conflict Exposition Resolution e