1. This happens when earth casts a shadow on the moon 2. Area of solar eclipse where the Moon covers the Sun, but the outline of the Sun can still be seen 3. This happens when the moon passes in front of the Sun 4. The mass of cold air that moves toward the Philippines from a north-easterly direction 5. The cold and dense air over the land that begins to move to the water surface to replace the warmer rising air is called 6. Occurs when only portion of the Sun is blocked by the Moon 7. An area of Solar eclipse where only a portion of the Moon is in front of the Sun 8. A place where winds in the tropics meet or converge: this happens when the air from the north of the equator and air from south of the equator moves toward the place where warm air is rising takes a bit more time to warm up 9. Water and land have different heating abilities: and is able to retain the heat longer than land does. 10. When cold air mass develops over the Pacific ocean and begins to move toward the Asian continent. This forms the which prevails over the Philippines in the months of July, August and September.