
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following pertains to argumentative writing technique wherein a speaker argue that something has caused something else in the piece of rhetoric?

a. Causal Argument
b. Evaluation Argument
c. Proposal Argument
d. Rebuttal Argument

2. Which of the following pertains to argumentative writing technique wherein a speaker must suggest a solution to a problem in this style of argument? This is when a speaker must first define a clear problem before proposing a precise solution to the issue.

a. Causal Argument
b. Evaluation Argument
c. Proposal Argument
d. Rebuttal Argument

3. In this type of argument, a speaker makes his case by delivering a tale that contains a definitive statement that is relevant to his argument.

a. Narrative Argument
b. Definition Argument
c. Proposal Argument
d. Rebuttal Argument

4. A speaker's case is built around opposing an idea in this discussion or previous concepts. To put it another way, his starting point is to question the ideals of the past.

a. Narrative Argument
b. Definition Argument
c. Proposal Argument
d. Rebuttal Argument

5. What type of argumentative writing technique is being executed below? "Those who think that wearing school uniforms will increase school pride and solidarity have a strong case Dress codes, on the other hand, limit learners' unique inventiveness and distinctiveness."

a. Narrative Argument
b. Definition Argument
c. Proposal Argument
d. Rebuttal Argument​