
Write true if it is correct and false if it is not.Underline the word/words that made it incorrect and write the correct word on the space provided.

1. The puppets' shadows are shown behind a white cloth.

2. Wayang Kulit has been developed recently in Indonesia.

3. Cartoon characters are used in the shadow play.

4. Wayang Kulit is one of the Indonesian's renowned puppet theaters.

5. Batik cloth are the materials used for puppets.

6. The gamelan accompanies the Wayang Kulit theater.

7. Wayang Kulit plays last for an hour.

8. The dalangs' skills in manipulating the puppets give beauty to Wayang Kulit

9. The dalang performs in front of the audience.

10. The stories of Wayang Kulit come from the Mahabharrata and Ramayana.

(if possible, explain how is it false/write the answers if its false, ty!) ​