Why should life be fair to you? The fact that you are reading this, means you have food to eat, access to shelter, clothing, access to a computer and internet which approximately means you have some edge over some people around the world that has one thought — food.
A lot of people complain about how life is unfair and how things went bad in their life. But hey, life was meant to be so, you just have to embrace it and not take it as the cake you can always have.
You don’t expect life to be fair to you because you are a good person or you work so hard. Life has its own rules, it’s complicated and not the same for everyone.
If you tried once and failed then definitely you will discover that life is unfair. Life was not intended for those who try only once then give up but instead, it’s orchestrated for the determined and strong-minded people who keep trying until they get what they want.
Because life isn’t fair doesn’t mean you should give up and keep asking why. Life is a never-ending race of learning. When bad things happen to you (or when something good doesn’t happen to you every time), it may not just be something bad happening to you. It might be a chance to learn something new — about yourself, about the way the world works, the people around you which would propel you to a new level.​