
WHAT I CAN DO ACTIVITY NO. 1.1: AMBAHAN IN A BOOKMARK INSTRUCTIONS: Look at the picture carefully. Prepare the materials and follow the procedures. Attach your output to your module/activity sheet and pass it to your teacher. Rubrics will be the basis of your grade. MATERIALS:

Cardboard/Folder/Cartoon/Any recycleable material 2x5 inches

Oil pastel or crayons

Pencil or empty pen


Plastic cover

PROCEDURES: : 1. Look at the example of the ambahan below.

2. Cut a 2 x 5 inches piece of cardboard/folder/cartoon/any recycleable hard material (see attached file).

3. Using your oil pastel or crayon, color your whole cardboard with different colors.

4. Apply another layer of black oil pastel or crayon over the colored surface.

5. Using pencil or empty pen, start etching the ambahan script on the colored cardboard.

6. Cover your output with plastic cover.

7. Put a hole on top and tie yarn or ribbon.​