14. Your teacher asked you to make a simple circuit as a project. You put a plastic ruler between
the wires. What do you think will happen to your circuit
A. The circuit wil light
C. She will get a high grade on her project
8. The circuit will not function
D. She will get a low grade on her project
15. Which of the following shows series circuit
16. The Christmas lights used to decorate Christmas trees are connected in series. If one bulb does
not light up, what will happen to the other bulbs
A. Al bulbs will light up.
B. Only defective bulb will not light up.
C. The rest of the bulbs will not light up.
D. Al other bulbs stilight up except the defective one.
17. Which of the following is the disadvantage of series circuite
If one bulb is broken the rest of the bulbs stilight up.
fone bulb is broken the rest of the bulbs will not light up.
When the switch is on all bulbs will light up at the same time.
V. It uses less wire because only one path of electricity is sing connected
18. Which of the following are the advantages of parallel circuit?
It is safe to use at home.
If one bulb is broken the rest of the bulbs still light up.
If one bulb is broken the rest of the bulbs will not light up.
IV. It uses less wire because only one path of electricity is being connected,
A land
C. Il and I
D. ill and IV
19. Which of the following shows parallel circuit
20. What happens if one of the bulbs in a parallel circuit gets busted?
A Al builos wilight up.
B. Only defective bulb will not light up.
C. The rest of the bulbs will not light up.
D. All other bulbs still ight up except the defective one.