YVONEINTIGCANILLO232IN YVONEINTIGCANILLO232IN World Languages Answered TRUE OR FALSE 1. Prayer is worship.2. Prayer necessitates faith. What is water to the plants, prayer is for the soul.4. One genuinely cannot pray without the help of the Holy Spirit.5. Prayer requires silence; not the noise of pride and selfishness.6. Work can be offered as prayer.7. If work can be offered as prayer, then there is no need of a personal prayer time.8. Prayer starts with me; God comes later.9. The Mass is a form of prayer.10. The Mass is essentially a personal devotion instead of a communal worship.11. Prayer does not include emotions. It is simply a mind thing.12. The heart of prayer is the prayer from the heart. 13. Worship encompasses a wider and deeper scope.It deals with our very lives and our dealings with others and God. 14. The more words used in prayer, in the more effective prayer becomes.15. Dancing can be a form of prayer and worship.