ISPRIKITIK18IN ISPRIKITIK18IN English Answered 1. It is a social, political and economic theory which focuses on the struggle betweeneconomic classes- the haves and the have-nots.a. Formalismb. Marxism c. Feminism d. structuralism2. A literary criticism which focuses on the structure or form of a text or art.a. Marxism b. formalismc. feminism d. none of the 3 choices3. Which is not the meaning of bourgeoisie?a. Haves b. have -nots c. capitalist d. elite4. Which is not the meaning of proletariat?a. Have -nots b. haves c. lower class5. Marxism is both a science and philosophy which aims to change the capitalistsociety. This statement is____.a True b. falsec. maybe6. Which is not a feature of formalism?a. Grammar and syntax b. social class of character c. literary deviced. literal interpretation7. Which is not a feature of Marxism?a. Social class of character b. literary device c. social class of the authord. social interactions between classes8. "I wandered lonely as a cloud" is what figure of speech?a. Metaphorb. simile c. personificationd. alliteration9. "Fluttering and dancing in the breeze" is what figure of speech?a. Simile b. personification c. hyperbole d. metaphor10. Karl Marx is an American socialist thinker.a. True b. false c. maybe