
True or False
26. Cell Reference is the combination of the column beader and row number 27. Microsoft Excel is a spreadsheet application by Microsoft
28. To add shading and borders, let select the borders we want to borders then click the Borders icon to choose the border we want
29. The values found in the parentheus are called Arguments.
30 The coloms inside the arguments refer to a range of cells that are adjacent to each other
31. Sales reports, transaction reports, directory lists, grading sheets, or inventory systems are just a few applications that can be created using Excel
32.PowerPoint lets us to perform calculations, use graphing tools and create tables.
33. PEMDAS stands for parenthesis, exponent, multiplication, division, addition, and subtraction
34. To open Excel, we click the start button and search the Excel icon
35. To create new Excel file. Go to the File tab, choose New and then click New Blank Workbook​