Activity 1.2 Directions: The following statements are about endocrine system. Identify what is being asked by filling in the gaps with letters to complete the word at the end of every sentence. 1. This gland is located at the base of the brain and stimulates growth. (P_T_I_A_Y) 2. This is a gland that secretes adrenaline hormone which affects the heart rate. (A_R_N_L) 3. This refers to the group of glands that releases hormones into the body. (E_D_CR_N_S_ST_M) 4. These are the two hormones secreted by the ovaries. (E_TRON) and (P_OG_ST_R_N E) 5. It refers to the gland that regulates blood sugar level. (P_N_RE_S)