define the words below in terms of ideas shown in viewing materials

The term truth can be defined as the property according to reality or fact. Truth is attributed to things that aim to represent reality or otherwise correspond to it with propositions, beliefs, and declarative sentences. Truth is what corresponds with the available facts and pieces of evidence. Truth does not change just because we learn something about it. However, it is not good to always tell the truth. If the main purpose of telling the truth is to hurt someone, it is then considered to be terrible than the most terrible lie. This is why many people keep in mind other people’s sentiments and beliefs before telling the truth. Sometimes, not telling the truth doesn’t necessarily mean someone has to lie. It can also be keeping from them a few details that they don’t need to know. Truth is defined as something that is following reality. Truth can be relative to a person and dominated by an individual’s subjective thoughts and believes. Truth is the purity that helps in differentiating between right and wrong. The ‘absolute truth’ is regardless of what one thinks and believes in.
10 Lines on Truth in English
*Being truthful is vital in life because it brings happiness and builds strong trust bonds with people.
*Truth is subjective and is relatively different for every person.
*Truth coincides with facts and reality.
*Truth is a statement that never changes, no matter how people feel about it.
*Truth can be very complicated sometimes, and various people interpret it differently.
*Truth is the reality and the actions without any filter or edits.
*Telling the truth and accepting it are two completely different things.
*It is easier to tell a lie, but truth has its beauty and depth.
*The lie’s path is easy and short, whereas the truth is long-lived and helps achieve sincerity.
*The one who follows the path of truth always ends up happy, contented, and successful.